Monday, September 18, 2017

Interdimensional Travel Log - Second Entry

Interdimensional Travel Log

A typographic and visual exploration of an interdimensional journey through a crystalline lens. 
Coming Soon to a book near you. 

Sculpture/Chronic pain/Medicated

Back at it again. For those of you who know me, you know my body hates me. It's a constant battle of Pain > Medication > Pain. In celebration of being free of those highly toxic opiates and benzos for nearly 3 months I've made up a few little sculptures. 
This will be an ongoing series and you can expect to see a show some time in the not too distant future focused on this theme. 
Take care out there and if you need an ear to chew on in regards to Chronic pain, I've got all the hot tips.

Woodblock French fold Zine

Black/white/gold on card. 

Coming at you, limited run.
Contact to reserve yourself a copy. 

Ode to Shulgin

Not long ago a great human passed away and left a beautiful legacy of research for the world to draw from, for what I'm sure will be generations to come. Here's a little some-something I'm putting together to continue that education. Fun, informative and my way of saying "Thanks Sasha, you did good".